Data Visualization in R For Revenue Management Demand Forecasting



When it comes to Revenue Management demand forecasting and prediction problems, most of the research comes from the aviation industry, using data in the format known as the Passenger Name Record (PNR). They were created by the aerospace industry. To be sure, there are a number of tourism and travel industries that have different requirements and particularities that can't be fully explored without industry-specific information. To overcome this limitation for my assignment help, two hotel datasets with demand data are shared. They were collected in order to develop prediction models for predicting the likelihood of a hotel booking being cancelled. This cancellation prediction problem, however, is not limited to the variables included in these datasets. In order for data to be used in prediction models, it must not encourage the leakage of future information. 

ABOUT DATASET to be used for Forecasting

However, the data was originally published in the article Hotel Booking Demand Datasets by Nuno Antonio, Ana Almeida, and Luis Nunes for Data in Brief, Volume 22, February 2019. For a city hotel and a resort, this set of data includes information on when the booking was made, how long it lasted and how many people were in the party. It also includes the number of parking spaces, among other things. For a city hotel and a resort, this set of data includes information for database assignment help on when the booking was made, how long it lasted and how many people were in the party. It also includes the number of parking spaces, among other things. There will only be deployed the most interesting features to answer the questions.

In order to work with this data, Python was chosen as the programming language of choice. To explore and visualize the data, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and seaborn are used.

VISUALIZATION in R Analysis Example

As a result, the target variable's timestamp must come after the input variables' timestamp. The variables were extracted from the bookings change log, with a timestamp relative to the day before arrival date, instead of directly from the bookings database table (for all the bookings created before their arrival date). The bookings and change log database tables do not contain all of the variables in these datasets. In some cases, the data comes from other tables, while in others, it's a combination of data from different tables. Tables from which variables were extracted are depicted in. The following section provides a detailed description of each variable. What's the best time to book a hotel room? For example, what is the ideal length of stay in order for database assignment help to get the best daily rates? How about predicting a hotel's likelihood of receiving a disproportionately high number of special requests in the future? That's where this hotel booking dataset comes in.

1. What is the booking count of Resort Hotel and City Hotel?


We can see from the above plot the city hotel booking is 60% more than the resort hotels.

2. Hotel cancellation with repeated guest.

Customers who have a history of cancelling tend to cancel more frequently than those who don't. Interestingly, returning guests tend to cancel more often than first-timers.

What is the count of booking for each year?

In 2016, bookings were more than double what they were the year before. Next year's reservations fell by almost 15 percent

3. Average daily rate with hotel room type?

We can see that the city average rate is more than the resorts. 

4. Average daily rate in each month.

City Hotel is known for its higher prices. According to this plot, the City Hotel charges the most in August, the busiest month of the year and get database management assignment help experts.  With a small difference, we can see that the trend is similar. It's busier in June, July and August, with fewer bookings in November & January.


5. Which hotel has a greater number of repeated guests?

From the above graph, we can see that the percentage of repeated guest in city hotel is greater than the resort hotel, this is because city hotel can be used for business purpose such as meetings etc. but resort hotels are used for holiday purposes.

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